齊藤 辰夫
Tatsuo Saito
1929年生まれ 松本市在住
土 Earth
In a sketchbook, we see beautiful strata made up of lines. Some of these lines are drawn by joining rounded lines, others have been drawn over so many times that they appear golden. Recently , Saito fills in the squares of the notebook earnestly daily. In the notes of grid sheets, the dots written in the middle of each square seem to be mysterious symbols with meaning. Is it a language that only he can read?

Untitled: ballpoint pen on sketchbook

Untitled: ballpoint pen on notebook

Untitled: ballpoint pen , colored pencil on sketchbook
日々 Daily life
(支援者 医療法人 梓誠会 梓川診療所 赤いりんご 小松 美江さんより聞き取り)